Peace Economy also called as “Economy of Non-Violence”. It is a transition of human journey from purely an Economic Man to Peace Economy Man. Its core fundamentals are Co-development & Co-existence of all stakeholders.
That after having being in the modern economy, experiencing the over production, wastages, severe pollution, water crisis, and climate change, imbalances, etc. The need is to transit towards Peace Economy for welfare of industry, balanced production, lesser conflict and equitable distribution, tourism, mental happiness, healthy being, safe living environment with Peace, Harmony & Serendipity.
Peace Economics is slight different from current modern economics, while modern economics aims at mass production, maximisation of profits, over production, over utilisation of resources, accumulation of wealth’s, etc.
Peace Economy aims at optimum production, optimal utilisation of resources, though securing profits by protecting environment, maintain ecological balances, welfare of communities & also practicing peace and harmony. However, Peace Economics aims at “Universal Upliftment.
While present modern economy has created a situation of fractured world, dysfunction institution and paralysed politics, which directed all communities and stakeholders towards “War Economy”.
A Clarion Call: a need of an hour, The Peace Led Sustainable Socio-economic Co-development & Co-existence is best mechanism through which a humankind to be saved. This can only achieved with the collective efforts of likeminded people / conglomerates / institutions / including all stakeholders, government’s forefront to further redirect by a war economy towards the “Peace Economy”.
Based on researches and experts opinions, it is rightly to state that money saved from containing violence is, redirected to activities that are more productive, yielding higher returns, rising GDP, lower inflation, increasing per capita income.
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